When: Saturday May 20, 2023
Time: 8:00 am check-in, 10:00 am walk
What: 1.5 mile walk
Where: Dunkin Donuts Park Hartford
How: www.ctfoodshare.org
- People register as walkers – they then connect to a partnering program (us) and can register with a team (us). They post on their social media/ask friends for donations which go directly to Food Share. The funds will be released to us on June 9th.
- People get t-shirts
- First 750 walkers get a back pack
- If a person gets $100.00 or more under their name they get a cross-body bag
What we get: 100% of the donations made in our name as a partnering program, a free table at the event, $500 for raising the most funds
How to promote: We will be linked on their social media postings, we get a social media kit,