Connecticut Foodshare and Access Community Action Agency are working together to fight hunger! Access was awarded a $141,000 Community Impact Grant to purchase a Mobile Market Truck as part of Connecticut Foodshare’s $1.4 million investment in partner food pantries and meal programs across the state. Access is now calling for the Community to help “fill the truck” and bring fresh accessible food to Windham and Tolland Counties. For the first time, Access has joined the Connecticut Foodshare’s Annual Walk for Hunger at Hartford’s Dunkin’ Donuts Park. Now through May 20, 2023, Access is accepting donations through the Connecticut Foodshare’s online platform where participants can join our team or donate on the Access Fundraising page at Connecticut Foodshare’s site:
Access was 1 of 53 Organizations to receive an award through Connecticut Foodshare Community Impact Grants Program. These grants were awarded to strengthen organizations operations, expand food access and improve the neighbor experience. The new Mobile Market Truck will help Access to improve their Mobile Food Pantry and deliver more customer focused, culturally relevant food in a more dignified way. “We are extremely grateful and excited to receive this award, says Sherry Perkins, Specialist-Fund Development at Access, “and the truck should arrive sometime this fall”.
The Foodshare Walk Against Hunger is the largest anti-hunger event of its kind in Connecticut and is a free event with no registration fee or minimum donation. Participants are encouraged to raise funds for their chosen benefiting partner program throughout the state. The Walk will take place on Saturday, May 20th at Dunkin’ Park — home of the Hartford Yard Goats! The Walk is a fun-filled event with live entertainment and giveaways, hosted by local media personalities Renee DiNino and Scot Haney.
Register now for the 2023 Connecticut Foodshare Walk Against Hunger with Access and with your help we can end food insecurity in NE CT! Help us raise $3,000 and “fill the truck” by May 20, 2023, to purchase and provide Emergency Meals to over 4,000 families this year! 100% of funds raised will benefit the Access Food Pantries – Site-Based and Mobile. If you are unable to join on Walk day, you can still support our event by donating online and participating virtually by walking your own 1.5 mile route and using #ctfoodsharewalk on social media. For more information please contact Sherry Perkins, at 860-450-7400 ext. 7459 or [email protected].
Access Community Action Agency is designated by the federal and state government as the anti-poverty agency in northeast Connecticut. Access provides food, affordable housing, job readiness services, and other pathways to economic self-reliance for vulnerable limited-income families and individuals throughout the region. Learn more about Access by visiting