Carlita RB Cotton, Ph.D., has joined the Access Board of Directors bringing expertise in Behavioral Healthcare, Veterans Advocacy, Disability Advocacy, and Education. Cotton is currently the Mansfield Town Councilor, a member and delegate of the Mansfield Democratic Town Committee, and served as Vice Chair of the Mansfield Zoning & Planning Commissioner and the Mansfield Inland Wetlands Commission from 2018-2022. When asked why she would like to become a member of the Access Board of Directors she said, “My experiences as a veteran, town councilor and educator have given me direct insight into the housing, employment, healthcare, and psychosocial needs of those living in poverty. I have spent years counseling, mentoring, advocating for educating vulnerable, struggling, protected classes, these experiences have prepared me to be able to think critically and panoramically, and work collaboratively, on team, to meet Access’ stated goals of equitable access to food, employment, and other much-needed services that helpto enhance and increase the quality of life for program participants”.