We are delighted to share Congressman Joe Courtney’s recent visit to Access Community Action Agency for a tour of the Willimantic Office. During his time with us, Congressman Courtney engaged with our enthusiastic staff of multiple departments, sparking lively discussions of the challenges facing Access customers and exciting agency updates.
During his one-hour visit, Congressman Courtney had meaningful conversations with our President/CEO, Vice President, Program Directors, and leadership team, exchanging ideas on how to work collaboratively to provide our community with the best possible resources for a promising future. Departments toured were Case Management; Home Energy Assistance; Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); Property Management; Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP); Food Pantry; Supportive Housing for Families; Emergency Shelter Services, Homeless Prevention Programs; and Planning and Performance.
We are incredibly grateful to Congressman Courtney for taking the time to visit our Willimantic Office. Let’s continue to join forces and accomplish the Access mission to build equitable access to opportunities that empower under-resourced individuals, families and communities to achieve and sustain economic stability.
The Access Community Action Agency is designated by the federal and state government as the anti-poverty agency in northeast Connecticut. Access provides food, affordable housing, job readiness services, and other pathways to economic self-reliance for vulnerable limited-income families and individuals throughout the region.