Want to join me in making a difference? I’m raising money to benefit The ACCESS Community Action Agency, Inc., and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to our community and Access Community Action Agency.
This campaign is to raise awareness about people with disabilities and to raise $3,000+ to make the dumpster at Parker Place ADA compliant. https://gofund.me/480b4dfb
More information about The ACCESS Agency, Inc.: The Access Community Action Agency is a federal and state-designated non-profit Community Action Agency (CAA). Access has been working with the low-income population of eastern Connecticut since 1965. We take a comprehensive, holistic approach to examining the poverty-related challenges our customers and their families face, and with them develop customized individualized plans to help them overcome those challenges.
We thank you for your support! Partnering to Fight Poverty with ACCESS!